Square Enix Has Made A Rather Unusual Claim About Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

In a recent Q&A held by Square Enix, many fans were left confused by a rather strange claim made by the company.

News by DShelley on  Jun 06, 2023

There has been a lot of mystery surrounding Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and many fans got a chance to ask their questions about the game during a recent Q&A held by Square Enix. Sadly, many fans were left confused by the fact that the company claims it's not necessary to play Final Fantasy 7 Remake first in order to fully enjoy Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. This rather unusual statement has left many fans worried about the direction that the games are going.

The official Q&A was held on the official Final Fantasy 7 Twitter account, where the developers of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth could answer the many questions that fans had about the game. Thanks to the Q&A we actually learned quite a lot about the game, including the fact players will have more freedom than they did in Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Besides having more freedom, we also learned that players will experience a wide array of different stories, and different narrative developments while discovering each character you encounter's fate.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, Square Enix, Q&A, Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Latest, News, Rumor, Preview, Trailer

However, probably one of the weirdest things we learned came from the co-director of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, Motomu Toriyama who said that players didn't have to play Final Fantasy 7 Remake first if they wanted to enjoy the game's sequel. Toriyama then went on to say that both him and his team have made preparations for players who are experiencing Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth as their first game in the series.

That's not to say that players who have played Final Fantasy 7 Remake, won't enjoy the game's sequel. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth will definitely take a unique approach to the game's story as Rebirth will create a brand-new timeline that could possibly break the Final Fantasy 7 universe. Yet, the game is still the second entry into the trilogy which you would expect requires players to play it in succession to Final Fantasy 7 Remake if you want to get the full story.

It would certainly seem that things are starting to shift with regards to the Final Fantasy franchise as a whole. With fans apparently not needing to play Final Fantasy 7 Remake before playing Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and according to the director of Final Fantasy 16, the series may be dropping numerals from the games' titles, seems things are changing. While many fans are concerned as to what this entails for the future of the franchise, we will have to wait and see whether this will be a good thing or a very bad thing.

Daman Shelley (@UndeadandTired)
Editor, NoobFeed

Daman Shelley

Contributor, NoobFeed

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