Nintendo Files a Patent for a Handheld Console With Detachable Screen

It is basically a Nintendo DS but in a very unique way of working than what we got used to.

News by AtillaTuran on  Oct 30, 2023

Since the 1990s, Nintendo has been pursuing odd-looking consoles and controllers. Although one might see this as an experimental workaround for machines, so far, Nintendo has had no problems with its consoles and is generally known for being revolutionary. Their last console, the Nintendo Switch, also employs an extraordinary way of playing games compared to other consoles in the market right now.

Nintendo, Handheld Console, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Switch 2, Concept, Patent, Claim, Filing Patent, New Console, NoobFeed

As the Nintendo Switch is coming close to its 8th age, rumors of the Switch 2 started flooding in. There is a lot of information trade going around, such as its design, upcoming games, and when it is actually going to be released. The topic that gets talked about a lot is design, of course, since the first thing people will perceive is how it looks. Most people are expecting the same idea of Nintendo Switch being developed further and brought back to life, just like how it happened with the change from Wii U to Switch.

While Nintendo Switch 2 is expected to be revealed next year, some people want to dig around and find some information in the meantime. In recent showcases from the patent industry, one of its new patents, Nintendo, was extracted. The file was submitted last November; however, its public status was just changed, and now we can see what sort of new console Nintendo was planning.

Considering the images, the design looks like a handheld console. The same could be said for the Switch as well, but it comes bundled with a dock, which allows you to play on the TV. In the patent photos, the console seems to be based on a Nintendo DS, therefore giving a strong suggestion of a handheld console. The interesting part is that the console has two separate screens, and they can be detachable from one another, basically, the version of the Nintendo DS, if it can be separated and played by two people.

What makes this patent so odd is the fact that both of the screens face the same way once the contraption becomes one piece again. Both shoulder buttons look like they are straight from the Gameboy Advance, and you need to slide them upwards to use them. Nintendo might be just messing around with the console design part, but this could ultimately be the console we could be getting with Switch 2.

Atilla Turan

Editor, NoobFeed

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