Lego Still Releases Nintendo DS Games, 3 Years After 3DS

Lego Friends is now on Nintendo DS and no, that's not a typo.

News by Daavpuke on  Apr 09, 2014

Believe it or not, but publisher Warner Bros is still supporting the original Nintendo DS with the recent release of Lego Friends. It was previously also released on Nintendo 3DS.

Lego Friends,Nintendo DS,Marvel Super Heroes

Lego Friends is probably more suited for the younger audiences, as it follows a few young girls in Heartlake City. They play sports like football and karate, tend to their pets and customize their rooms. It’s also possible to take some pictures of your light-hearted adventures.

It has an age rating of 7 and up, so don’t overthink it.

Lego is probably the only stable to still put out games on Nintendo DS, since the Nintendo 3DS released about 3 years ago by now. In February, it also launched Lego Marvel Super Heroes on DS, long after anyone else had given up. 


Daav Valentaten, NoobFeed (@Daavpuke)

Daav Daavpuke

Editor, NoobFeed

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