Professional Overwatch Players Reveal The Most Hated Character To Play And Face

Despite being one of the most indispensable heroes in Overwatch, Mercy is the most hated

News by Grayshadow on  Jan 14, 2018

Since its launch, Overwatch has become a gaming sensation. This is mostly due to its colorful cast of characters, called Heroes, and their wide range of special abilities that make each multiplayer match intense. Some players are considered the best in the world and compete for glory and profit, most recently in the Overwatch League, and some have revealed what hero they like the least.


A number of professional Overwatch players were interviewed by IGN during the first night of the Overwatch League and said some rather harsh things about Mercy. Many stated they would like to see her removed from the game.

Silkthread from Los Angeles Valiant team, Avast from the Boston Uprising team and Super from San Francisco Shock echoed each other's statement of Mercy being "not fun". These players and others also agreed that Mercy’s main issue is her Resurrection ability. This problematic ability disrupts the balance of the game since it makes the previous kill void according to the interviewed players.

Mercy has gone through radical adjustments since launch. At first, her Resurrection ability was linked to her ultimate and charged so fast that Blizzard had to reduce it. Mercy's Resurrection ability was then altered to a passive chargeable talent and her ultimate was replaced with the Valkyrie ability which gave her flight. Mercy's latest change in the PTR had her Resurrection ability nerfed once again, preventing it from instantly recharging after activating Valkyrie.

While comments about her removal were made it's unlikely that Blizzard will go as far to remove Mercy. Instead, it's much more likely that the Hero will go under extensive testing to ensure a more balanced experience. Despite her negative reception Mercy is still one of the primary heroes to have on a team thanks to her ability to heal, fly, and boost damage.

Overwatch is now available for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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