Detective Pikachu Demo Available Now on Nintendo eShop
Try Detective Pikachu for free now
News by Grayshadow on Apr 09, 2018
The mainline series of Pokemon games may have ended on the 3DS but that hasn't stopped spin-off games from releasing on Nintendo's 3DS console. Detective Pikachu is the latest game to come to the console and has had a positive reception from gamers and critics for its unique take on the Pokemon franchise, with clever puzzles, great dialogue, and an interesting story. Now you can try the adventure for free on the eShop.
The demo includes the first half of Chapter 1 and if you like it players can transfer their progress to the full game. Those who purchase it from now until April 22nd will get a free HOME theme for their console.
Detective Pikachu is now available for Nintendo 3DS.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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