Ubisoft's Transference Coming this September, Prequel Demo Confirmed
Get ready for Transference with a new demo
News by Grayshadow on Aug 20, 2018
Today, Ubisoft provided more information about their newly debut game Transference that was revealed back at E3 2018. The game will launch this September 18th, with a demo now available for PS4 and PSVR.
The new trailer called "The Water Test" provides snippets of what players can expect. With paranormal things happening around while your son calls out for his father, nothing creepy about that.
For those unaware, Transference has players exploring the mind of an unsteady subject while trying to repair their broken mind and putting together various stories from different perspectives.
Transference launches on September 18th for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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