Bungie is Committed to Destiny Following Activision Split

Bungie will remain true to Destiny

News by Grayshadow on  Jan 19, 2019

One of the biggest news stories this year, and we aren't even at the end of January, was the split between Activision and Bungie. Despite having a 10-year contract Bungie split with the publisher and secured the rights to Destiny but many wondering what's next for Bungie? Well, Bungie Director Luke Smith posted a new message on the developer’s website.

Destiny 2,NoobFeed,Bungie,

Smith thanked Activision, High Moon Studios, and Vicarious Visions for helping with Destiny and the studio is working hard in delivering content through the Annual Pass. In addition, Smith stated that Bungie is "committed" to Destiny and looking towards the future.

Destiny Franchise Director Luke Smith:
Hey everyone, 
I wanted to share three things on behalf of the Destiny team today. 
First: Our sincere thanks to the people at Activision who've helped bring Destiny to our players,  High Moon Studios for their wonderful collaboration on Forsaken, and Vicarious Visions who helped establish a Destiny community on PC, worked with us on Warmind, and who is currently readying their Destiny swan song with content that will appear in the upcoming Season of [Redacted]. 
Next: In the short-term, we're continuing to build the content we’ve promised for the Annual Pass. We've learned a lot from Black Armory that we will apply to future releases, most notably that we'd like the beginning experiences of content drops to be a better point of convergence for the playerbase. In Black Armory, we set the Power requirement for the first forge too high, and that meant it wasn't a great chance to jump into some new content. We want to find the line between new content that many players can play, and aspirational content for players to progress toward. We're exploring improvements to catch-up mechanics for players in upcoming seasons. 
Last: Long-term, Bungie is committed to Destiny. We created the universe and we hold its future entirely in our hands. The vast majority of the team is hard at work envisioning future experiences, enemies, and ways to play the Guardian you've been building since 2014. We're going to keep doing that. 
We're thinking about what it means to be truly independent, what it means to self-publish, and crucially, what Destiny's future can now look like for our players. 
It was a busy Fall, and it is going to be a busy year. 
When I look ahead and think about Destiny and where it could go, I see a bright future, with roots in a memorable past. Not everything has been lost in the dark corners of time.  
See you soon,

It'll be interesting to see how Bungie will develop Destiny without a big publisher but considering the studio's history with Halo we shouldn't worry. The studio can now focus on developing games instead of focusing on monetization as Activision has been doing with Blizzard Entertainment and Call of Duty: Black Ops 4.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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