EA Projects Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Will Sell 6-8 Million Copies by the End of Fiscal Year

EA has another massive milestone for their upcoming project Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

News by Grayshadow on  May 08, 2019

During an EA earnings call, EA discussed a little about their upcoming Star Wars game being developed by Respawn Entertainment, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. EA CEO Andrew Wilson and CFO Blake Jorgensen stated they expect the game to sell between 6-8 million copies by the end of 2019's fiscal year.

JEDI Fallen Order,NoobFeed,EA,Respawn Entertainment,

In the past, EA has made similar claims about Anthem, Battlefield Vand Star Wars Battlefront II (2017). They did not reach those goals and while there has been positive feedback from what was shown of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order no gameplay has been featured. We'll finally get to see the game in action at this year's EA Play but it seems that EA is overshooting once again. As Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is releasing this holiday season where several high-profile releases usually come.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order will release later this November 15 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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