After 13 Years of Waiting, Will Be the Next Game in the Half-Life Series
A new Half-Life game is coming and will star Alyx.
News by Grayshadow on Nov 22, 2019
Half-LIfe has been in dormancy for nearly 13 years but Valve has finally confirmed the next game in the series. Taking place between the events of Half-Life and Half-Life 2 this VR game is called Half-Life: Alyx.
A fully developed VR adventure players will take control of Alyx Vance as she and her father fight back against the Combine in City 17.
The trailer looks impressive and is a step above current VR games. With Alyx able to call equipment to her hands, similar to the gravity gun. More impressive is that the player is given such a wide range of interactive opportunities. Looking for the trailer you can see every action is made through the player such as moving books to locate ammo and even movement of Alyx herself.
Half-Life: Alyx will launch this March 2020 for PC. Check out the first set of screenshots below.
Adam Siddiqui,
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