Activision Blizzard CFO Is Out
Looks like Netflix has already expressed interest.
News by TAYLOS on Jan 02, 2019
In a strange turn of events, it appears that Activision Blizzard's CFO (Cheif Financial Officer) Spencer Neumann is on his way out. It was reported that as of December 31, Spencer's contract with Activision/Blizzard was terminated. No more deatils have been mentioned except that Activision's CCO (Cheif Corporate Officer) Dennis Durkin is taking over as the CFO in the interim.
According to a source at Reuters, Neumann has already been picked up by Netflix and is set to start working in early 2019. Not information about what role he will have with Netflix.
Activison said that it had already planned to terminate Neumann "for cause unrelated to the company's financial reporting or disclusure controls and procedures." It is said that Neumann had been placed on paid leave.
Be sure to check back for news following Neumann's departure at Activison/Blizzard.
Tao Dawkins, NoobFeed
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