Amazon Buying Twitch for Nearly $1 Billion
Amazon, not Google, is buying Twitch
News by Grayshadow on Aug 25, 2014
Twitch has confirmed that Amazon will acquired the company for about 970 million in cash by the end of the year.
CEO Ammett Shear wrote "We chose Amazon because they believe in our community, they share our values and long-term vision, and they want to help us get there faster. We're keeping most everything the same: our office, our employees, our brand, and most importantly our independence. But with Amazon's support we'll have the resource to being you an even better Twitch."
"I personally want to thank you, each and every member of the Twitch community, for what you've created. Thank you for putting your faith in us. Thank you for sticking with us though growing pains and stumbles. Thank you for bringing your very best to us and sharing it with the world. Thank you, from a group of gamers who never dreamed they'd get to help shape the face of the industry that we love so much. It's dangerous to go alone. On behalf of myself and everyone else at Twitch, thank you for coming with us."
Despite reports earlier this year suggesting that Google would acquire Twitch for $ 1 billion, although neither company officially addressed the reports. It was assumed that the deal was official when Twitch began implementing a policy similar to Youtube, that included videos containing copyrighted audio would be muted. The audio recognition technology Twitch uses has been refined the system by adding an "Appeal Button" to challenge videos that have been muted incorrectly.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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