Anthem E3 2018 Demo Featured Weakened Javelins

Damage was nerfed in Anthem's presentation at E3 2018

News by Grayshadow on  Jul 07, 2018

After BioWare and EA showcased the long gameplay video of Anthem gamers had a lot of questions about the game. BioWare has been interested in answering questions while still maintaining a sense of mystery. One question was regarding the damage of the Javelins in the demo which executive producer Mark Darrah explained was a weakened for the purposes of the demo.


According to Darrah, the demo did not feature an accurate representation of the player's damage and was nerfed to give the developer's time to explain and highlight specific abilities.

This was specifically to address the Colossus Ultimate Ability which showcased a massive nuclear explosion that did very little damage considering the discharge. Darrah explained this was intentional.

This makes sense if the developers showed the full extent of the damage they wouldn't have the time to highlight each ability and the demo could've been shortened dramatically. 

Anthem releases February 22, 2019, for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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