Bless Unleashed's PC Beta Preview Starts Tomorrow

Try Bless Unleashed tomorrow, if you're lucky

News by Grayshadow on  Sep 24, 2020

Neowiz and Round8 Studio will be holding a beta for Bless Unleashed this September 25th at 6 PM PDT until September 26th on PC. Those who get an invite will earn special prizes and aid the developers by breaking their game.

Bless Unleashed,NoobFeed,

In an official press release a statement was provided about the upcoming beta:

“This is an exciting first step towards bringing Bless Unleashed to our PC fans.” said Jason Park, Round 8 Studio’s Head of Development. “This Closed Beta Preview will help really stress the servers and make sure they’re ready to host the thousands of players that will join us in the next beta phase and at launch. So please come help us break the servers on the 25th of September!”

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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