DYKG Explores how Dead Rising Studio Closed, Shining a Light on Dead Rising 4's Troubled Development and Dead Rising 5's Early Concepts

How Dead Rising died

News by Grayshadow on  Jun 08, 2020

Capcom has a lot of acclaimed franchises and the studio has been extremely popular in recent years. With titles such as Monster Hunter: World, Monster Hunter: World Iceborne, Devil May Cry 5, Resident Evil 7, Resident Evil 2 2019, and Resident Evil 3 2020. However, back in 2018 Capcom Vancouver, who headed the acclaimed Dead Rising franchise, closed. With Did You Know Gaming exploring how the studio fell apart.

Dead Rising 4,NoobFeed,Capcom,

The video is part of DYNG's Game History Secrets series. Providing insight into how Capcom Vancouver eventually closed. Including canceled projects such as a revival of Dino Crisis and the troubled development of Dead Rising 4. 

The video provides insight into Capcom's deal with Microsoft saved Dead Rising 3 and gained the exclusive deal for Dead Rising 4. On a side note, I spoke to a Capcom developer at NYCC back in 2016 when previewing Dead Rising 4 who told me that this same thing.

According to the video Dead Rising 4 suffered from veteran staff leaving the project, the constant infusion of mechanics from other popular games such as Batman: Arkham's detective vision, and the exosuit becoming a key feature within the game. Along with cut content such as multiple endings, a specialized antagonist, and even serial killers due to budget and time.

We also get a look at Dead Rising 5 which would've starred Chuck Green, Dead Rising 2's protagonist. Along with his daughter who would be playable and set in Mexico. With Chuck locating more Zombrex for his daughter and must work for Mexican drug cartel who now owns the vaccine.

While not a long-standing fan of the series I did play Dead Rising 4 and found in shockingly entertaining. With the development team providing a fully realized holiday experience and a meaningful story. However, the game sold way under 1 million copies and was expected to sell 2 million in April 2017. The studio would eventually close due to the troubled development and cancelation of Dead Rising 5.

Dead Rising 4 is now available for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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