The Last of Us Part II Remastered Guide | Santa Barbara Collectible Locations (Abby)

Here's how you can locate all the collectibles in the Santa Barbara chapter for Abby in The Last of Us Part II Remastered.

Game Guide by Joyramen on  Mar 25, 2025

This guide covers the collectibles that you'll be able to find in the Santa Barbara chapter of The Last of Us Part II Remastered. The chapter contains a total of 13 collectibles, including 6 artifacts, 2 trading cards, 2 journal entries, 2 workbenches, and 1 weapon. Below is a detailed breakdown organized by location.

2425 Constance Collectibles

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, Santa Barbara Collectible Locations (Abby), NoobFeed

In house 2418, where infected emerge, you'll be able to get your hands on an Artifact on the toilet seat in the bathroom. Note that this collectible may not appear in the inventory but still counts toward completion.

Section: Pushing Inland

Collectibles: Abby's Note Artifact, Mansion Note Artifact, CBB-73 Trading Card, Runaway Warning Artifact, Journal Entry.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, Santa Barbara Collectible Locations (Abby), NoobFeed

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, Santa Barbara Collectible Locations (Abby), NoobFeed

At the start of the area, you'll find Abby's Note Artifact on the left-hand counter. In the first house on the right, the Mansion Note Artifact is in the garage near the quad bike. 

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, Santa Barbara Collectible Locations (Abby), NoobFeed

When you enter the mansion through an upstairs window, it will lead you to a child's bedroom, where the CBB-73 Trading Card is on the desk.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, Santa Barbara Collectible Locations (Abby), NoobFeed

Once you defeat a Shambler, you'll be able to find the Workbench in the kitchen, with the Runaway Warning Artifact nearby on the island counter. 

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, Santa Barbara Collectible Locations (Abby), NoobFeed

A story-related Journal Entry is going to prompt up as you leave the mansion and examine the road with L3.  You'll also obtain the Silenced Submachine Gun as part of the story progression.

Section: The Resort

Collectibles: Journal Entry, Santa Barbara Slave Note Artifact, Sparkthug Trading Card, Rattler's Letter Home Artifact.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, Santa Barbara Collectible Locations (Abby), NoobFeed

Behind the train station, you'll be able to make a Journal Entry by examining the "Rattlers" logo on a van. 

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, Santa Barbara Collectible Locations (Abby), NoobFeed

Near the compound, you'll find the Santa Barbara Slave Note Artifact placed on a keg outside a warehouse. In the center of the compound, the final Workbench is found in a hut.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, Santa Barbara Collectible Locations (Abby), NoobFeed

When inside the first main building, you'll be able to get your hands on the Sparkthug Trading Card near a stereo system. 

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, Santa Barbara Collectible Locations (Abby), NoobFeed

Upstairs in the same building, you'll find the Rattler's Letter Home Artifact in the bedroom to the right of the spiral staircase, marking the final collectible of the game.

Check out our other guides on The Last of Us Part II Remastered below:

Joy Rahman

Editor, NoobFeed

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