Employees, Publisher Break Ties With Lab Zero

Autumn Games will work with former employees after their departure.

News by Fragnarok on  Aug 26, 2020

Lab Zero lead designer Mike Zaimont has been under major scrutiny after recently making racial slurs and sexual remarks live on stream. Initially this led to him being banned as commentator within the fighting game community. Now, other members of the development studio behind Skullgirls and Indivisible have come forward that Zaimont regularly used belittling and inappropriate behavior to intimidate staff. This has resulted in most of the employees departing Lab Zero with only Zaimont remaining. Skullgirls publisher and IP holder Autumn Games, along with mobile developer Hidden Variable, has released a statement that they will continue to work with the employees on future content:

Skullgirls|Lab Zero|Mike Zaimont|Indivisible|Autumn Games

An official statement from Hidden Variable and Autumn regarding Lab Zero Games and the future of Skullgirls.

-Skullgirls Mobile (@sgmobile), August 25, 2020

505 Games, publisher of Indivisible, has not released a statement. However, given the state of Lab Zero, they may also stand with the former employees.     

Kurtis Seid, NoobFeed


Editor, NoobFeed

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