European PlayStation Plus Update
New games and discounts
News by Grayshadow on May 15, 2013
New addition to the European PlayStation Plus library has been released. June's update will include Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, Demon's Souls, and finally one of my favorite Ico and Shadow of the Colossus HD Collection. All 3 titles will be added to the instant game library on May 29. On the PS Vita front Rayman Origins and Coconut Dodge Revitalized will be added on June 5.
These new additions also means the removal of Hitman: Absolution, Joe Danger 2, and Dead or Alive 5. Sine Mora will be removed on June 5 and Velocity Ultra on June 12.
PlayStation Plus subscribers will also have new discounts such as Tekken Tag Tournament 2 for 70% and Germinator for 40%. The most notable discount will have to be the recently released Metro: Last Light for 20%.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
Contributor, NoobFeed
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