Final Fantasy XII's Judge Gabranth Joins Final Fantasy NT This October

Judge Gabranth joins Dissidia Final Fantasy NT

News by Grayshadow on  Sep 25, 2019

Square Enix continues its support for Dissidia Final Fantasy NT with a new character. This time Judge Gabranth from Final Fantasy XII will join the ranks.

Final Fantasy XII,NoobFeed,NT Dissida,Square Enix,

The Judge will join the arcade version, only available in JP, this September 26th and other versions on October 10th.

Judge Gabranth plays a major role in Final Fantasy XII. As a loyal member of Archadia Gabranth also holds the highest rank in the Archadian Empire's military. Serving the empire with his life and playing a major role in the game's events.

Dissidia Final Fantasy NT is available now on PS4 and PC both as paid and free-to-play. The last character to join the roster was Tifa Lockhart.

Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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