Fixed-time Investigative Thriller The Occupation Releases Tomorrow

The Occupation puts you in the role of a journalist in 1987's North West England.

News by Woozie on  Mar 04, 2019

Developer White Paper Games is preparing for the release of its upcoming fixed-time investigative thriller title The Occupation. Set in 1987's North West England, it puts players in the shoes of a journalist looking to get to the bottom of an unfortunate event.

"An explosion has triggered a controversial act which threatens to erode civil liberties of the population to be rushed into place. You are tasked with investigating and questioning people on their actions from a tumultuous night which resulted in the loss of many lives.", its Steam page description reads.

The Occupation, Image, News

The Occupation's main draw revolves around the role that time plays in its gameplay. In-game actions happen in real-time, which means you'll need to keep a constant eye on the clock. The world's inhabitants stick to their routines which may or may not interfere with your investigation.

The Occupation gives players a choice between a methodical approach that's prone to leave fewer traces or a direct one that's less subtle. When looking for proof to present someone in a meeting planned for a certain time, however, players may find themselves having to alter their approach.

The Occupation is set to release on March 5th on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. Check out a gameplay video focusing on investigating a lead.

Mates Bogdan Robert

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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