Gears of War 4 Developer Working On New IP

Microsoft trying something new?

News by Grayshadow on  Jan 08, 2018

The Coalition, the Vancouver studio who assumed development of Gears of War after Microsoft acquired the rights from Epic in 2014, is working on a new intellectual property.

The Coalition,Storyboard Productions,NoobFeed,

The news comes from Storylab Productions' website who is collaborating with The Coalition on the new IP. This partnership isn't new as both studios have worked together on prior Gears of War games such as casting for stunts, motion capture, payroll, and other duties.

Both studios have remained quiet on any details other than it has been in production since 2017. Considering the rumors that Microsoft is looking to expand their exclusive library we could hear something about the project, or even a trailer, at this year's E3.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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