God of War Release Date Leaks on PlayStation Store
God of War coming this March?
News by Grayshadow on Dec 05, 2017
One of Sony's most highly anticipated games of 2018 is God of War and the PlayStation Store may have leaked the release date early.
Sony hasn't confirmed anything yet but according to the leaked date, God of War will launch on March 22, 2018. Since becoming known the date has changed back to its placeholder date of December 31, 2018.
Of course, this should be taken with a grain of salt since March 22, 2018, is a Thursday and games usually release on either Friday or Tuesday. However, the first game did release on the same date back in 2005. This could be Santa Monica and Sony bringing the series back full circle since this God of War is considered a sequel to God of War 3 but also a reboot.
Sony does have their PlayStation Experience event coming this weekend. If God of War is releasing soon we'll hear it there.
God of War is set to release on PS4.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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