Kingdom Hearts III Opening Song is a Collaboration Between Hikaru Utada and Skrillex, Called "Face My Fears"
Japanese singer Hikaru Utada and American DJ Skrillex will create the opening song for Kingdom Hearts III
News by Grayshadow on Sep 28, 2018
Square Enix has released more information about the long-awaited game Kingdom Hearts III, stating that the opening song called "Fear my Fears" will be a collaboration between iconic Japanese singer Hikaru Utada and American DJ Sonny John “Skrillex” Moore.
The song will release as a single in both English and Japanese along with "Don't Think Twice" or "Oath" on January 18th. Hopefully, we won't have to wait long to hear the soundtrack in full, after all, that would be a great Christmas present Square Enix.
Kingdom Hearts III launches on Xbox One and PS4 this January 28th.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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