Microsoft Revealing Next-Gen Xbox Console In 2025

Is Microsoft intentionally ending the console war before revealing the next-gen Xbox?

News by Rayan on  Jan 02, 2025

Early in this current-gen console race, Xbox posed a significant threat to PlayStation and PlayStation gaming in general. This rivalry, however, turned out to be insignificant, even though we are four years into this console generation. Microsoft has already revealed a number of first-party titles for the PlayStation 5 and will unveil even more titles that might eventually define Microsoft as a third-party publisher at some point in the near future. According to Microsoft, there are no boundaries, and the company will continue to release first-party titles on PlayStation 5.

Next-Gen Xbox Console, Release Date, Microsoft

So, 2025 might just be the year when this long-running rivalry between the PlayStation and Xbox finally ends. As with the Xbox-exclusive titles coming on PS5, Microsoft might as well reveal their target launch date for the next-gen Xbox console for 2026 sometime this year. Since Sony plans to launch the PlayStation 6 at least a year after the next-gen Xbox, so 2025 will also be full of leaks and speculations surrounding the two next-gen consoles, and it's the very least we can expect from these two gaming giants. Both of them are probably aiming for a 2027-2028 release, while Microsoft is unlikely to give PlayStation any serious rivalry.

Nonetheless, it doesn't rule out the possibility of a new console release with Xbox-exclusive titles and Microsoft's acquisition of new studios—something Sony should definitely keep in mind. Shawn Layden, strategic advisor at Tencent Games, recently spoke out against the industry's history-ignoring rush to acquire studios, and he obviously pointed towards Microsoft.

As someone who worked at Sony and was involved in groundbreaking releases like The Last of Us Part II, Layden is worried about the impact of monopoly on creativity. In light of Microsoft's purchase of Activision Blizzard, he said that studios run the danger of becoming tools of corporate control rather than promoters for uniqueness and creativity. Whenever studios are acquired, there's always a chance that their individuality may be lost, he said. They are now required to work on company-wide initiatives rather than their own projects.

We couldn't agree with him more that major acquisitions have the potential to kill off the indie spirit that gives video games their unique flavor. The lack of action to protect video games' history also worries him. There is an actual possibility that essential elements of gaming history, such as source codes, concept arts, and physical copies, could disappear as the world moves toward online distribution when both Sony and Microsoft aim towards Cloud gaming and how digital distribution services like Steam are flourishing.

Layden also mentioned that making video games isn't just about making money; it's about preserving cultural artifacts for the benefit of generations to come. We are now failing miserably at it; it's wrong. Everyone knows that preservation isn't easy. When servers go down, consoles become antiquated, tangible media degrades, and digital content could disappear. Layden called for further action from the industry, citing the French legal deposit system as an example that other nations could emulate. Under this system, publishers are required to store copies of their games.

Rather than ignoring gaming's rich history in favor of its shiny new features, he thinks businesses should honor both the industry's past and future. Gaming isn't only about progressing to the next level; it's also about integrity. The race for acquisitions of new studios has gone too far as more and more studios are being shut down, and games that were once loved by many are becoming mere products only to milk the gamers to their maximum. So 2025 will be a significant year for the gaming industry, pave the road for what's to come in the coming years and define whether we, the gamers, will see the glory days of this industry.

Azfar Rayan

Senior Editor, NoobFeed

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