More Information About Rumored Rejected Days Gone 2 Pitched Revealed

What Days Gone 2 could've been like

News by Grayshadow on  Apr 12, 2021

Days Gone was a major Sony exclusive that didn't gain the same big traction as the company's other IPs. Despite launching to major technical problems such as sound delays, the game was still well-received by fans. Mostly due to the Freaker virus and the character's personalities. However, recent reports indicate that Days Gone 2 was pitched and rejected by Sony with new reports from the director Jeff Ross revealing what the sequel would have included cooperative play and base building.

Days Gone,NoobFeed,Bend Studio,

When speaking to God of War creator David Jaffee it was confirmed that the game was originally going to be cooperative, which makes sense considering the original game. With Deacon often teaming up with an additional ally multiple times during the adventure. This concept would've been included in the sequel as Deacon would build up a community and face horde battles. Which was also highlighted in the original game, with multiple communities building up through different means.

While rumors indicate that Days Gone will remain unfinished Ross neither denied nor confirmed the rumors. However, without Ross at the helm, it's unlikely we will see Deacon again.

This is sad considering that Days Gone's ending left the series at a huge cliffhanger. With the Freaker virus evolving and those manipulating things from the background remaining in the shadows. Considering how cutthroat the gaming industry is this is expected. You either produce a profit or get cut loose, just look at Mega Man Legends 3.

Days Gone did receive a PS5 re-release with performance enhancements so perhaps not all is lost. If the game performs well later maybe Sony will revisit the IP. Maybe they should release the game on PC, as Horizon Zero Dawn has performed well sales-wise on PC despite the major technical problems.

Days Gone is now available for PS4 and PS5.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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