Nintendo President Addresses NX Quarries Today
The NX won't be sold at a lost and will have a solid lineup of games
News by Grayshadow on May 02, 2016
Today at Nintendo’s investor briefing Q&A Nintendo president, Tatsumi Kimishima, addressed many questions regarding the NX.
Launching in March 2017 Kimishima was asked if the NX would be sold at a loss like the Wii U. Kimishima reposed that “we are not thinking of launching the hardware at a launch. When the Wii U was launched, the yen was strong. I am assuming that situation will no repeat itself. Selling at a loss at lunch would not support the business, so we are keeping that mind developing NX.”
This could mean that the NX would sell at a higher price than the Wii U, which sold at $299.99 when it launched in NA on November 18th. With rumors of a PS4 Neo and an upgraded Xbox One striking a balancing between power and price, especially if the PS4 and Xbox One original models are reduced in price.
When questioned about the NX’s software Kimishima responded that the NX would have a solid lineup of games.
“You are correct about needing a solid lineup of software…One of the reasons for choosing the launch timing that we did is so that the software lineup will be ready for the hardware launch. Not only at lunch, but we also need to be able to continuously release titles after launch. We are planning for this to be a platform that consumers can enjoy for a long time.”
Currently the only game announced for the NX is The Legend of Zelda, which was delayed for the Wii U so it could release simultaneously release on the NX.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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