Nintendo Releasing Switch 2 on May 15?

From early shipments to strategic releases—how the stars are aligning for the Switch 2 May 15 launch.

News by Sabi on  Mar 18, 2025

Reports from the recent shipping log say that the Nintendo Switch 2 could be ready for retail operation as soon as May 15. Despite Nintendo's lack of announcement to the contrary, most analysts and industry sources weighed in behind early shipments, along with a series of random coincidences pointing toward summer-early sale dates. At this point, Nintendo has not confirmed this through any vendors.

With the recent revelation of Wccftech, Nintendo imported 383,000 Switch 2 units for further retail availability in North America. Surely, with Switch 2's official launch date approaching, the number of shipments will increase as January comes. Certainly, dozens of industry folks believe Nintendo would not ship such a huge number of consoles so early today if they had otherwise been preparing for a release in the recent past.

Switch 2, Release Date, Shipment

The company wished to oversupply; thus, they have given themselves some insurance against the horror associated with scalping at old console launches. Users can be counted on this to provide easier access to the new hardware. In light of the fact that the publication date is scheduled to take place on May 15, this particular early delivery is very remarkable. 

Numerous indications point to today as the most likely day for Nintendo to make the announcement, despite the fact that the company usually makes key console launch announcements closer to the release date. For example, Doom: The Dark Ages, which was developed by Microsoft, is set to be released on May 15 by the company. As a result of the fact that Microsoft and Nintendo have a history of working together, this release will probably coincide with the launch of the Switch 2.

LEGO also announced that a brand-new Mario Kart Lego set would be available for purchase on May 15. Although LEGO typically publishes new products on the first of every month, this peculiar timing may indicate that a marketing campaign is currently being prepared for the launch of the Switch 2. Mario Kart is anticipated to be among the games with the most recent technology; hence, there is a possibility that the debut of this game will enhance interest.

A sign of change is coming soon: the first grand opening ceremony of Nintendo's new store in San Francisco will be held on May 15. This might well have been seen as evidence that Nintendo wishes to use the opening as a primary venue for pre-orders and special in-store promotions related to the launch of the Switch 2. Even if these signs suggest that the official premiere will take place on May 15, there are still a great deal of queries that have not been answered.

The release date of the Switch 2 would coincide with the release date of the Nintendo Switch in 2017, which was originally planned for later in the summer, maybe on May 22. In the past, experts had projected that Switch 2 would be released during the summer holiday season. However, considering the most recent shipment figures and the substantial marketing activity associated with it, the date will most likely be May 15.

Like everyone, we're eagerly waiting for more information regarding the Switch 2 launch date. Of course, Nintendo is almost ready to make the official announcement and release the Switch 2. If the forecasts for May 15 come true, Nintendo may enter a new era. The system's purpose is to capitalize on the success of the first Switch while minimizing the risks associated with subsequent hardware releases.

Wasbir Sadat

Editor, NoobFeed

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