Nintendo Switch Now Offered Without Docking Port in Japan

Buy a Nintendo Switch without the dock

News by Grayshadow on  May 24, 2018

The Nintendo Switch is a hybrid console that combines handheld and home gaming into one device. Using the docking port players can display the game on the television, and use the console's full power. It would seem that Nintendo sees a demand for a Nintendo Switch without a docking port and is now offering Japanese gamers the option for a Nintendo Switch without the dock.

Nintendo Switch,No Dock,NoobFeed,Nintendo,

The unit includes the Nintendo Switch tablet, 2 Joy-Cons, and a strap for both. It doesn't include the dock, Joy-Con grip, HDMI cable, or AC adaptor. The console can be charged using a USB-C cable. The slight price cut could provide those on a budget the chance to purchase a Nintendo Switch.

This isn't uncommon for Nintendo. The company has been known to provide various versions of their existing systems with certain things removed to lower the price. We've seen this with the Wii Mini which can only play Wii disc games and Nintendo 2DS which removed the 3D function on Nintendo's latest handheld console.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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