PlayStation Now Exclusive to PS4 and PC, Dropping All Other Support

PS4 and PC are the only platforms that support PlayStation Now

News by Grayshadow on  Feb 17, 2017

Sony Interactive Entertainment hit PlayStation Now users with some shocking news, the service will now only be available on PS4 and PC.

PlayStation Now,NoobFeed,

“This move puts us in the best position to grow the service even further. If you use any of the above devices, we want to give our heartfelt thanks for your support, and we hope you’ll continue with us. Remember that all of your PS Now cloud game saves can easily be accessed on both PS4 and Windows PC.”

Support for the following devices will be discontinued on August 15th.

PlayStation 3

PlayStation Vita and PlayStation TV

All 2013, 2014, 2015 Sony Bravia TV models

All Sony Blu-ray player models

All Samsung TV models

2016 Sony Bravia TB models will lose the service on April 1st, before every platform listed above.

It makes sense to discontinue the service on the PlayStation 3, Sony primary intent to get consumers to make the jump to PS4 is constantly growing and this is just one more reason. As for the PS Vita, with the exception of Kinda Funny's campaign to breath life back into the comatose handheld, removing support was an expected. It's hard to determine the consequences from the other non-gaming platforms but given the PlayStation 4's massive sales, it's likely those people who own a PlayStation Now subscription own a PS4.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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