Rumor: Next Xbox to be revealed May 21, ‘will be expensive’

$500 or $300 with a subscription plan, according to tech blogger.

News by C_rake on  Apr 08, 2013

What the Tech claims to have details on Microsoft’s elusive new Xbox, which will apparently be unveiled on May 21 at a special event.

Paul Thurrott, noted tech journalist and blogger, who has dealt in Microsoft leaks before, says the next Xbox will cost $500 or $300, the latter carrying a subscription. The console had been originally on par to be shown off this month, but has been delayed to May 21 for reasons unknown.

"Originally, they were going to announce this things on April 24th,” he noted. “Now they're going to announce it on May 21st. We know there are events occurring this year where we're going to learn more about Durango.”

Thurrott claims the new system will use Blu-Ray discs and Windows 8 as its operating system. Though no mention on rumors of the new Xbox’s inability to play used games was seen. Reports state that games must be installed onto the system’s hard drive to play, the console able to detect whether the disc is pre-owned or not.

On the point of requiring a constant internet connection to function, Thurrott said: "Going back and looking at some of the stuff I got a long time ago, it actually says 'must be internet connected to use' - that's in the notes. That's all I have, but it does say that.”

Recent comments from Microsoft’s Adam Orth, creative director of Microsoft Game Studios, caused a stir. Microsoft apologized for his behavior, but was careful to not to confirm the existence of the tech.

Additionally, a ‘Codename Stingray Xbox 360 for $99 will be launched later of this later, according to Thurrott.

Callum Rakestraw, NoobFeed.

Callum Rakestraw

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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