Super Catboy Gets a Launch Date and New Dev Diary

Super Catboy coming next year

News by Grayshadow on  Nov 18, 2021

Retro-style games are becoming increasingly more popular and fans of old-school platformers should keep Super Catboy on their radar. A charming platformer that combines 16-bit visuals with Mega Man-like systems. Seeing this is coming from 2 people makes it even more impressive.

Super Catboy,NoobFeed,

A new gameplay trailer was provided showing off gameplay with the developers providing a short commentary about the game's future.

“Being born in the 90s and growing up with titles like Megaman X, Super Mario World, and Donkey Kong Country, it was our dream to make a game that we would love to play ourselves.” said Thomas Flachs, Pixelgogo Co-Founder. “We hope the players have as much fun playing Super Catboy as we had developing it.”

To learn more about Super Catboy and add the game to your wishlist, visit the official Steam store page hereSuper Catboy is set for a Spring 2022 release.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed

Adam Siddiqui

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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