The Nintendo Switch Is The Fasting Selling Console In US History

The Nintendo Switch sells big and hits a new milestone

News by Grayshadow on  Jan 04, 2018

The Nintendo Switch is not one year old yet and has broken another monumental record. Becoming the fasting selling console in US history.

Nintendo Switch,NoobFeed,Nintendo,

“The home console that players can take wherever they go launched March 3, 2017, and in 10 months has sold more than 4.8 million units in the United States, according to Nintendo’s internal sales figures,” Nintendo stated. “That’s the highest total for the first 10 months of any home video game system in U.S. history, surpassing Nintendo’s own Wii system, which was the previous record holder with more than four million units sold during the same timeframe.”

Nintendo is going to have a difficult time topping 2017 record sales in both software and hardware after the massive success of Super Mario Odyssey and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Super Mario Odyssey alone sold 2 million copies within the first week and Breath of the Wild sold 4.7 million on the Switch alone. If any franchise is going to surpass both Mario and Zelda it's going to be Pokemon, maybe we'll the Nintendo Switch Pokemon game this year.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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