Watch Dogs 2 Pre-Order Exclusive Mission Has You Hunting Down the Zodiac Killer

Perhaps Jake the Ripper wasn't enough, now its the Zodiac Killer

News by Grayshadow on  Oct 21, 2016

Back in June Ubisoft confirmed that those who pre-order Watch Dogs 2 would gain access to an exclusive mission called "Zodiac Killer". Today more details regarding the mission was released in a trailer.

Watch Dogs 2,Ubisoft,NoobFeed,

"An unwanted ghost of San Francisco’s past has resurfaced after fifty years. A killer is staging the bodies of his victims all over Oakland like the infamous Zodiac Killer of the Sixties, and he’s taunting the police and news outlets with coded messages. Will you succeed in decrypting the messages and hunting down the copycat?"

Completing the mission will gain you access to the Zodiac Killer orange outfit.

Watch Dogs 2 releases on November 15th for Xbox One, PS4, and PC in 

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Adam Siddiqui

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