Watch Dogs Legion Leaked Ahead of E3 2019
Watch Dogs 3 called Watch Dogs Legion according to leak
News by Grayshadow on Jun 04, 2019
For some time, leaks regarding Watch Dogs 3 has been slowly trickling out from the internet. Now, Amazon UK may have broke the news too soon. Revealing Watch Dogs 3 called Watch Dogs Legion.
The listing has been removed, which has added validity to the leak. Here’s the official summary of what Watch Dogs Legion is said to entail:
“Watch_Dogs Legion is set in a near-future, dystopian version of London. It’s a post-Brexit world in which society, politics and technology have changed and altered London’s fortunes. London is one of the most iconic cities in the world and has had a massive influence on all of Western Culture for centuries… London makes total sense for WD, as the city has one of the highest surveillce levels in the world making this the perfect playground.”
Ubisoft has not verified this leak but considering the company has 1-2 projects ready to be revealed at E3 2019, we can assume Watch Dogs Legion will be one of them.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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