Guardians of the Galaxy: Episode 3: More than a Feeling Xbox One Review
More than a Feeling finishes strong but the entire episode is one long windup to a single, meaningful, moment
Reviewed by Grayshadow on Aug 28, 2017
Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series started off with a bang by separating itself from the movies by establishing its own identity. Episode 3 attempts to develop the characters more by introducing personal issues but most of the plot is without consequence. More than a Feeling finishes strong but the entire episode is one long windup to a single, meaningful, moment.
More than a Feeling focuses on Gamora and Nebula's relationship. Warping between the past and present, peppered assassin-style quick time events, we get to see the foster sisters serve under Thanos. It's one-dimensional and I was able to quickly understand which answers would dissolve or repair their relationship.
The climactic reveal of the person responsible for the visions falls flat. Mantis, a shy and empathic character capable of reading minds and resurfacing memories, doesn't bring any drama to the script. Instead, she feels out of place and only serves to further the plot. A bulk of the episode focuses on what to do with the Forge, with each Guardian offering didn't perspectives and dividing the group.
The problem with the first 2 episodes of Guardians of the Galaxy is still here. Telltale attempts to give each character enough time so they don't blend into the background but in episode 3 they're forced. For example, Drack's crisis to find purpose would go largely ignored only for it to resurface during specific situations.
The conclusion is the best part of More than a Feeling. With the group indecisive and Peter attempting to keep things from becoming worst he must attempt to appease everything. However, situations arise when sides must be taken. And while episode 3 doesn't have a lot of consequential options the branching path leading up to the finale has the potential of fostering multiple endings.
Guardians of the Galaxy: Episode 3: More than a Feeling is currently the weakest episode of this season but concludes on a high note. It's rushed and while integrating Nebula and Gamora's personal stories did add more insight into their damaged relationship Mantis feels left out despite having a critical role in the game's plot. The combination of new plot revelations and entertaining characters doesn't solve the pacing problems. I can say, by the end, I cannot wait to see what happens next.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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