South Park: The Fractured But Whole - Bring the Crunch Xbox One X Review

Bring the Crunch is a short but entertaining South Park adventure that will give fans another reason to return for another playthrough.

Reviewed by Grayshadow on  Aug 01, 2018

Similar to the first DLC expansion From Dusk Till Casa Bonita South Park: The Fractured But Whole Bring the Crunch provides a short but satisfying South Park adventure. Adding a new playable companion and class the expansion delivers a predictable pattern of enemies leading up to a final boss encounter that one of the hardest in the entire game. Bring the Crunch is more South Park and if you loved the campaign you'll enjoy this short adventure.

South Park: The Fractured But Whole Bring the Crunch,Ubisoft,NoobFeed,

Bring the Crunch has you traveling to Lake Tardicaca to help Jimmy save the camp. When you arrive you'll find loads of blood and missing camp counselors. Unexpectedly, Mint Berry Crunch makes a return to Earth and aids you in your quest to save the camp. Butters also joins in for some strange reason to complete the party of 4. The story then follows the traditional South Park style storyline with over-the-top moments, crude jokes, and colorful characters.

The 2 biggest addition to Bring the Crunch is Mint Berry Crunch and the new class The Final Girl. Mint Berry Crunch serves a support class companion, able to negate attacks if the proper mixture of Mint and Berry are applied. By having an ally with Mint and an enemy infected with Berry attacks from the Berry infected enemy will not harm the Mint buffed ally. The Final Girl is made from the stereotype horror trope of the main character girl making it out alive in a horror film. The class has a mixture of crowd control attacks and heavy debuffs, making it a great addition to the already robust class system, and Mint Berry Crunch can be incredibly powerful if used correctly.

Bring the Crunch adds a whole new set of costumes as well. All of them themed after monsters since addicts wearing monster costumes serve as the primary enemy type. Bring the Crunch does introduce some new combat mechanics but these are short-lived, such as enemies reviving themselves using special plots of land. The final boss is one of the toughest in the entire game and will definitely be a challenge for veterans of the tactical base combat system. Bring the Crunch is a short but entertaining South Park adventure that will give fans another reason to return for another playthrough.

South Park: The Fractured But Whole Bring the Crunch,Ubisoft,NoobFeed,

With the exception of bosses, the enemy variety is lacking here. The previous DLC explored Vampire children who had unique fighting styles and tactics whereas here you're facing mostly reskinned enemies from the core campaign with more hit points. Battles can feel like they drag on, especially with high-level characters. While it fits the theme of the DLC having some sort of unique enemy type would've made the adventure more distinct.

There are side objectives specifically developed with camp themes in mind. You can earn merit badges by completing specific objects, fish, and take photos of ghosts. Overall the DLC can last up to 3 hours if you plan to complete everything. Bring the Crunch doesn't try to add anything substantial and instead concentrates on delivering a short but entertaining South Park adventure.

Bring the Crunch is more of South Park: The Fractured But Whole. The story itself delivers on everything that is expected from the franchise and doesn't try to step out of its confront zone. The introduction of a new class and character will offer players more ways to play the main campaign and the addition of new costumes is always welcomed. It's short but it is a great South Park adventure for those hungry for more content.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed



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