Resistance 2 Review

Reviewed by Ev3rton on  Dec 11, 2009

I never really enjoyed the orginal Resitance but i have to say after purchasing this sequel it is well and truly big and better in every way. The game picks up where the orginal ends and you take contorl of sergeant hale who is one mean badass soldgier. The Chimera are back meaner than ever and you will have fight off mass armies off of them in all diffrent countires unlike the orginal which was just set in england. Resistance 2 opens in iceland with your ship going down and from then on its full open war, Resistance 2 has some great Set Pieces and not to mention some fantastic boss fights including a boss fight against a t rex farfetched maybe but fantastic non the less.

The Variety of enemies in this game is pretty good and just like many other shooters the further you get into the game the more bullets it take for them to go down. There is a certain enemy in the game that goes invisible before attacking you and it can be frustrating when hale comes against them, weapons are brillant in this game and there many diffrent types to try out with each one with their own advantages and disadvantages as you might come to expect. Be warned though there are certain parts in this game that can be extremely annoying not in a bad way but just plain hard with hundreds of enemies on screen. Especially when Hale visits the torn down city of Chicago mass amounts of skeltons running as you is intimidating to be sure, and i wont ruin if for you but the ending to level in chicago is superb definetly the highlight of the game.

Level design is top notch you wont find corridor shoting here most levels are open on a grand scale and graphicaly superb. There is one disspointment though towards the end of the game it kind of gets a little tedious and you are forced to do the same thing over and over again and as for the final boss fight it is a letdown. Ai is good could of been better but hey cant everything i suppose, Resistance 2 is not overlong but it is quite a journey and longer than the orgianl to be sure and far more satsifying. Overall is a great game i advise you to go out and buy it 9.4

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