Assassin's Creed Odyssey The Fate of Atlantis Episode 3 Judgment of Atlantis Xbox One X Review
Episode 3 Judgment of Atlantis ends things on a high note as Alexios takes on the mantle of champion for one last journey with the gods.
Reviewed by Grayshadow on Jul 17, 2019
The Fate of Atlantis has been a positive turn for Assassin's Creed Odyssey's DLC expansions. Legacy of the First Blade failed to impress due to lack of unique areas and mostly bland narrative. However, The Fate of Atlantis had Alexios traveling to different realms, seeing old faces, and interacting with gods. A definite improvement from exploring the same areas over and over. Episode 3 Judgment of Atlantis ends things on a high note as Alexios takes on the mantle of champion for one last journey with the gods.
Judgment of Atlantis has Alexios traveling to a brand new realm, Atlantis. Unlike the underwater realm we saw in the core game, this version of the great city is populated with both Isu and humans and is ruled by Poseidon. Alexios is given the title of Dikastes, allowing Alexios to make choices on Poseidon's behalf. What follows is Alexios helping the people within the city and uncovering dark secrets about Atlantis, including a brewing war between the god-like beings known as Isu and humanity. All leading up to massive conclusion for Alexios but not so much for Layla.
Since the end of Assassin's Creed III, the Assassin's Creed franchise has had a notorious reputation for having underwhelming finales for the modern period events and this is repeated here. Those hoping for a great cliffhanger or end for Layla's story will be sadly disappointed.
Atlantis is a large city made up of many buildings and for the most part every area is wealthy. Very small patches of the map are dedicated to wildland but most of the explorable area is the city itself. Laid out in a circle, each area is well-decorated and full of optional tasks.
Many of the missions remain largely unchanged in terms of structure, even Alexios makes note of the repetition. You'll kill key targets, unlock new skills, and collect "Knowledge". The "Knowledge" meter is a new level gate tactic where the player must obtain points through interacting with specific large tablets. Certain areas can only be unlocked through "Knowledge" and the player must obtain enough to earn passage in the story. It's not a long grind but be prepared to dedicate about 1 hour into searching for "Knowledge".
Like Fields of Elysium and Torment of Hades, Judgment of Atlantis will have you making several difficult decisions. All are isolated within The Fate of Atlantis but most have ripple effects. With decisions leading to some characters dying and others living.
Fixed from Torment of Hades is access to more powerful equipment. There's isn't much but the weapons you do obtain are incredibly powerful, especially against the enemies in The Fate of Atlantis expansion. To obtain them the player must obtain specific types of Ingots and forge them into powerful weapons. Fortunately, you can choose what type of variant you want but all of them are melee weapons.
With the exception of only 1 noteworthy boss fight towards the end, most of the challenging enemies are just Archons who use the same tactics. Most of them rely on draining your Adrenaline and using long spears. The enemies themselves are the same opponents from the previous episodes.
Judgment of Atlantis provides a fitting conclusion to The Fate of Atlantis. Alexios is given his answers about the Staff of Atlantis and the finale does have several incredible moments, especially for fans of Assassin's Creed but only for Alexios' story. Layla's end is simply boring and anticlimactic, especially considering her actions in the previous episode.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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