Little Nightmares - The Residence Review

Xbox One

The Residence is a solid conclusion to the Boy's adventure through the Maw and gives players closure, even if it is depressing.

Reviewed by Grayshadow on  Feb 24, 2018

The final chapter in Little NIghtmares 3, a three-part journey, is here. Called The Residence players, venturing into the ladies' room and searching for an escape from the Maw. The adventure is short, but taking into account the two previous, The Depth and The Hideaway, The Residence provides an excellent finale to this adventure. The Residence ends Little Nightmares on a high note that brings both Six and the Boy's stories together.

Little Nightmares, The Residence DLC, Review, NoobFeed

The Residence starts where the previous DLC ended, with the Boy within The Lady's home attempting to find a way out. The DLC heavily focuses on puzzles, with a series of short battles littered throughout. It's nothing new from what players have experienced in past Little Nightmares adventures, but that's not a bad thing. The atmosphere and presentation maintain the same dark, gritty theme, with tense moments that kept me on my toes.

A brand new enemy is introduced here that adds new questions to the game's lore. Children wearing the Lady's mask haunt her room and kill anything they touch. They're weak to light, forcing you to dedicate time to escape their grasp while repelling their attacks.

The Residence provides simple puzzles and a couple of chase sequences. It took me 1 hour to complete the journey on my first playthrough and 20 minutes on my second. There are five collectables to obtain that reveal new concept art about the game, but overall, gamers can expect a brief adventure. However, this is part of a 3-part adventure, with the other two packages combined, and this tale is about two hours in length—the same length as the original adventure.

Little Nightmares, The Residence DLC, Review, NoobFeed

This is the major issue: Playing The Residence without having experienced the previous adventures feels lackluster. It's a short journey, and without the context provided by The Depths and The Hideaway, The Residence doesn't offer enough for a standalone purchase. Instead, only gamers who've played both DLC adventures will find value in The Residence.

The final addition to the Little Nightmares DLC adventure brings the entire tale full circle. Those who've played the previous tales will find some value here, but those hoping to go into The Residence without playing The Depths or The Hideaway will find it painfully short. The Residence is a solid conclusion to the Boy's adventure through the Maw and gives players closure, even if it is depressing.

Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed


The final addition to the Little Nightmares DLC adventure brings the entire tale full circle. The Residence is a solid conclusion to the Boy's adventure through the Maw and gives players closure, even if it is depressing.


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