Iceberg Hits OnLive.

By Daavpuke, Posted 11 Nov 2011

Really, all I wanted to do was write that headline, but what it says is true. Publisher Iceberg Interactive has announced to be delivering its games to the OnLive streaming service. This cloud-based platform allows players to play a game through an internet connection, rather than through their own software.


NoobFeed News - Iceberg Hits OnLive
Because, icebergs.


While the service is sadly only available in the US and UK for now, that still means many of you will now be able to enjoy games such as Zeno Clash or Revenge of the Titans. Iceberg also has some more questionable titles, but those I won’t mention. OnLive needs to get its gears down to Belgium, because it has yours truly interested.


Because, cold.


Oh, also, Steam forums got hacked and your data has been compromised. Better change your passwords and hopefully, someone will have some info for you later. Happy Skyrim day, everyone!


Daav Valentaten, NoobFeed. (@Daavpuke)

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  • Hacking is up by a mile!  Glad I don't use steam!  Too bad I use PSN LOL!!!!

    Posted Nov 11, 2011

  • *sigh*  all these big name companies getting hacked is just getting annoying. but on the bright side, user awareness is probably rising a little =/

    Posted Nov 11, 2011

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