MonkeyPaw Games loves the oriental approach on gaming as much as you do. In fact, these modern heroes should get tons more attention for their great work of bringing local Japanese games overseas. You might’ve noticed some strange reviews lately, with games like Magical Drop or Dezaemon Kids. MonkeyPaw is going strong and is releasing one of its most ambitious titles yet: cult classic Vanguard Bandits. Don’t worry, I won’t ‘replace it with a trailer’ this time.


NoobFeed News - More Japanese Classics Imported: Vanguard Bandits
Oh my god, how dare you crop small images together! Because I do, screw you.


This cluster of themes revolves around a medieval, magical mecha soldiers who battle it out on a grid, but also go head to head in combat. This strategy RPG features 60 missions, 3 branching storylines and 5 unique endings, each of them packed with 3D combat sequences featuring verbal smackdowns and shocking plot twists. It just melts any fan niche into one huge cluster of marvelous oriental goodness. Giant robot knights, are you kidding me?


BATTLLERUUUU! What? Too racist? I didn't know there was a level of accepted racism.


While still adequately priced at $9.99, the game does offer a ton of content for being an ‘old title,’ which probably has more value than some other games one may like. Vanguard Bandits will entice any lover of the genre on Playstation Network, starting November 15, which is also the release date for Saints Row The Third and Assassin’s Creed The Next Generation or whatever it’s called. That’s a bold move, even for giant robot knights. Now to wait for the angry letters people will send me for not putting ‘revelations’ 2 phrases back.



Daav Valentaten, NoobFeed. (@Daavpuke)

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