Wal-Mart, the world’s largest public corporation, is bringing E-Play game trade-in kiosks to 77 of its 3,656 stores across America. Brought to us by the same third-party company who already have large number DVD kiosks in stores, which have been met with varying success.

The way the system works is, you scan the bar code from the box of the game you’re trading in, which then gives you an automatic price for the game. If users accept the fee on screen then they will be instructed to scan both their credit card and drivers’ license, or similar ID into the machine. After that it’s a simple case of inserting the disc and box into the appropriate slots and the money you receive for your order will be deposited into your bank accounting with the next couple of days.

People expecting to scam the system by bringing in discs that no longer work will be met with rejection, apparently the touch-screen machines have build-in playability checks, which test games to see whether they’re in a suitable condition.

The machines, in addition to accepting games, will also offer a variety of Wii, 360 and PS3 games for rental at $1 per day.

Craig Bryan, NoobFeed

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  • Sounds like a reasonable way to trade games, this thing will come to Greece in about 10 or 20 years (it usually happens this way).

    Posted May 18, 2009
  • avatar RON

    this is actually very cool.

    @ Ilias: if it takes 10-20 years to reach Greece then it's obvious that the system will take 100 years to reach Dhaka :o

    Posted May 18, 2009
  • sounds nice. hope they are better then gamestop.

    Posted May 18, 2009
  • Better values you mean? If so then i agree.

    Posted May 18, 2009
  • I'm interested to see how much they'll offer for games.  If it's any better than gamestop then that'll give me one more reason not to go to gamestop :D

    Posted May 19, 2009
  • Meh, I doubt they'll give very much for games. I do like the idea of doing it yourself though so you don't have an annoying worker trying to get you to do a bunch of other deals. Also renting for $1 per day sounds awesome. Our Movie Gallery charges like $8 for 5 days.

    Posted May 19, 2009
  • Dollar-per-day renting is the way to go. Or just get a GameFly subscription.

    Posted May 19, 2009
  • This is a very good offer.

    Posted May 19, 2009
  • wow...great news inded.

    Posted May 20, 2009
  • Ooh, sounds very nice.

    Posted May 20, 2009
  • I suspect the chances of us ever seeing anything like this over here in the UK are quite slim, due to the fact that most of the automated stuff we have here is fairly pants. Traffic lights, self-service check-outs in supermarkets and parking meters are all things that fail to work on a regular basis; and whilst I think the premise of self-service trade-ins is a brilliant idea, I can't see it being enacted in the UK anytime soon Undecided

    Posted May 22, 2009
  • Sounds like it might work...for now.

    Posted May 25, 2009
  • Well this is good. It could help EB raise its value for games, or if they just give you a good amount of money for your games. If this comes to canada soon I will be happy

    Posted May 28, 2009
  • @Ilias: I understand, is that why AC/DC came by Athens last week :P?

    Posted May 31, 2009

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