Best Buy Begin Trade-Ins

By fishdalf, Posted 27 Aug 2010

On Wednesday it was announced that retail goliath Target were entering the video game trade-in market, offering gamers the chance to rid their old games for nice shiny new ones. The program, which spans 850 stores later this year, will also allow for mobile phones and iPod’s to also be traded.


Hot on their heels are Best Buy, who have just announced a similar scheme in 600 of their stores in exchange for store credit. This comes off the back of an online trade scheme that has been in place for the best part of a year. Their plans are to extend the offer to over 1,000 store providing it proves successful.

The trade-in market has been growing at an alarming rate these last few years; with gamer’s collections decreasing in size, in hot pursuit of the latest and greatest titles out there. The price you’ll receive for your goods obviously depends on popularity, age and condition, ranging from the one dollar region to several hundred.

Check out these past articles:
Trade-Ins: Daylight Robbery?
Wal-Mart To Hold Trade-In Kiosks 

Craig Bryan, NoobFeed

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  • Thanks for the info! I wish I could have one of these in my country. 

    Posted Aug 27, 2010

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