DICE will do anything to please players who prefer the PC version of Battlefield 3. Alan Kerze (one of the designers of the game) who recognized that, and wrote an extensive and enlightening post on the official forums of the company - which can be viewed via this link.

According to Alan, who plays on public computers do not want to see games that were ported directly from the consoles, without any care. Such players are aware that their machines can go beyond offering the console market (although the difference is being minimized over the years, as noted by the official ).


Simplified interfaces and easy access to mechanical requirements on the consoles may be due to the lack of buttons and controls, but the community focused on computers sees no problem in server lists or small buttons and goes so far as to reject the changes. The truth is that, PC gamers have higher expectations.

Despite seeing the difference between platforms is a fundamental error, the team at DICE has acknowledged that the gameplay had to be readjusted in computers, so everybody could enjoy the sensitivity and accuracy offered by mouse and keyboard. After minor changes, Alan Kerze said  shots in computers and consoles are already equally satisfactory. Lastly, the official reiterated that there will be special attention for the PC version and it will not be valid with the decisions for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

Marco Cecilio, NoobFeed

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  • it's a good news....

    Posted Oct 28, 2010

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