The gaming community has been largely less than thrilled to hear that Mark Wahlberg has been cast in the role of Nathan Drake in the feature film "Uncharted: Drake's Fortune" from director David O. Russell. Recently, while Russell was being interviewed by the LA Times on his new movie "The Fighter," which also stars Wahlberg, he let out a bit more information on the movie based on the Playstation 3 hit.


While he did hint that the movie's script would coincide with the game's, there is already a twist suggesting that the plot could be flying a bit off-course. Specifically, main protagonist Nathan Drake is going to have a bit of a backstory makeover. While the game highlights Drake as an Indiana Jones-esque treasure hunter, Russell plans to portay him instead as a member of an extended family that "deals with heads of state and heads of museums and metes out justice."

Mark Wahlberg: Treasure Cop

So, while Nathan Drake will continue to be clearly the main character, there's going to be a whole family behind him, and they all work together as the treasure police. It still sounds somewhat close to the original Indiana Jones influence, but it's clearly going to be a major expansion on the game's plot. Time will tell if the in-progress script also proves to be a deviation.
"Uncharted: Drake's Fortune" is currently estimated for a 2013 theatrical release. Visit the LA Times posting for more information.
Matt Buckley, NoobFeed
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  • Why not? A great game deserves a movie...

    Posted Dec 03, 2010

  • Never played the games, but I think they are awesome all the same.

    What I see this plot change as, is a way to make it more of a family movie. National Treasure anyone?

    Posted Dec 03, 2010

  • Max Payne plays Nathan Drake. I hope he does well. This game deserved a movie.

    Posted Dec 04, 2010

  • mark wahlberg as drake = this movie's already looking pretty bad. and the games are just so damn easy to transform into movies, they just need the actors and the locale.

    Posted Dec 04, 2010

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