Try to think of a classic PC game that you missed, or maybe one that you'd like to revisit. Have you always wanted to play Planescape: Torment but never gave it a shot? Wondering what's with all the fuss about Baldur's Gate 2? Have a hankering to hear Duke Nukem's quips again?


present is giving away some of these this December


If you had a chance to get one of these games for free, would that get your gears turning? Well, you're in luck, because today is December 6th, and you know what that means. ... You don't? Oh, well it's St. Nicholas Name Day.


Feel like celebrating yet? Good Old Games does. As part of their 14-day holiday celebration, today GOG is giving away a game to five lucky posters in a thread on their discussion forum. Members are asked to post in the thread with the name of the desired game along with why it would have a major affect on their life. It's quite fun to read through, though the contents of the post won't play into determining the winners. They will be picked at random.


Even though this particular giveaway is GOG's event for December 6th, entries into the discussion thread are being accepted until December 7th at 11:59 PM EDT. This holiday celebration will be revealing a little something from GOG every day now up until December 14th, when they say they'll unveil "the BIG surprise!"


Visit for more details.


Matt Buckley, NoobFeed

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