It appears that OnLive is continuing to adapt to its environment.

The ambitious cloud gaming service recently announced a new pricing plan which has been generating a renewed buzz around the industry, alongside the deployment of its standalone OnLive Game System which does not require a PC to access games.
Hot on the heels of this news, Joystiq has reported that according to the Wall Street Journal, OnLive will cease to be exclusively a gaming service sometime in 2011. In addition to the services currently offered, OnLive will begin offering subscriptions for a movie streaming service as well, not unlike the one popularized by Netflix.

onlive microconsole
Gaming AND movies out of this little guy

OnLive also just moved into the iPad app neighborhood with "OnLive Viewer," which serves as somewhat of a window into the OnLive world. You can't play games through it (which would be awesome) but you can browse the catalog, view brag clips, and watch trailers right from the app. With developments like this, though, maybe we're not far from a client that actually allows gameplay through an application like OnLive Viewer. After all, one of the major benefits of cloud gaming is to circumvent the need for powerful local hardware.
This sort of thing is always going to come down to dollars and cents, but if the movie streaming quality turns out to be comparable to Netflix, this could be quite a boon to the OnLive service. The recent pricing plan announcement gives the indication that they are rightly turning their focus away from being a primary gaming platform and instead towards the rental model, an idea which is much more attractive than being expected to opt for OnLive over playing a game locally for a similar price. The addition of movie streaming might encourage some gamers to consolidate rental services and cancel existing Netflix accounts, saving a few bucks in the process. Of course, there's no indication yet of what movie studios will be participating in the service. With the right selection at the right price, there might be a new player in town.
Matt Buckley, NoobFeed
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