Today, MSN released the first teaser trailer for the upcoming game Batman: Arkham City, the sequel to Rocksteady Studios' lauded 2009 release, Batman: Arkham Asylum.

Arkham Asylum was the first release in what we hope will be a line of Batman games from Rocksteady Studios, and actually holds a Guinness World Record for being awesome (specifially for Most Critically Acclaimed Superhero Game Ever).
That's a tough act to follow, and the teaser doesn't show us much. But it is a teaser after all, and it's as sweet as it is short.

Batman: Arkham City is currently scheduled for a Q4 2011 release.
Matt Buckley, NoobFeed
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  • if i were a little girl, i would be screaming "omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg" right now...but since im not, ill move on to the next good thing...


    Posted Dec 08, 2010
  • avatar RON

    It's going to be a day one buy for me. I still haven't forgotten the taste of the first one.

    Posted Dec 09, 2010

  • This is just awesome :D

    Posted Dec 09, 2010

  • cool.....

    Posted Dec 11, 2010

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