MadCatz, a developer of videogame peripherals announced a new toy compatible with Rock Band 3. It's the Pro MIDI Adapter, which allows the player to use MIDI instruments such as keyboards, drum kits, guitars and even to be acknowledged as the game controls.

The device, which will be released for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Wii also works with Rock Band 3 Squier Fender guitar designed exclusively for the game and its Pro mode - where you actually play the music note by note and with a real instrument.

The Pro MIDI Adapter must be plugged into the USB port of the console and serves as an interface between the video game and MIDI instrument, converting the messages in this format for data recognized by the game. The device has a button that lets you adjust the sensitivity of the drums in MIDI to prevent the famed cross-talk during the game.

There is also a digital directional buttons and patterns of traditional controls of the consoles, allowing complete integration with the game and a glide through the menus of the game. MIDI Adapter Pro also comes with a removable clip, allowing the player to hold the device in the belt. The device is expected to hit stores later in December at a suggested price of $ 29.99.

Marco Cecilio, NoobFeed

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  • That is awesome. I wonder if using a guitar with a MIDI pickup will be as accurate as the official Squier guitar, though. I'd have to imagine that V-Drums would be so much nicer to play on than the official peripheral.

    Of course, as far as online gameplay goes, say goodbye to the level playing field.

    Posted Dec 11, 2010

  • why do i have the feeling that it won't work?

    Posted Dec 11, 2010

  • @BrunoBRS because it probably wont, I can see it possibly working for guitar and keyboard since they already have that stuff coded into the game anyways just not for every guitar out there but drum is where I get a bit skeptical, Im not sure how they could make this work with an actual drum kit(assuming Im reading this right)

    Posted Dec 11, 2010

  • Damn!!!!!! Its awesome!!! I need to buy this!!!!!

    Posted Dec 11, 2010

  • @Shindiggah It would have to be a MIDI triggered drumkit, or an electronic drumkit. But at that point, MIDI is MIDI, so it should work.

    Posted Dec 11, 2010

  • @shindiggah - uuuh... i thought it was pretty obvious they didn't mean acoustic drums, they meant these:

    Posted Dec 11, 2010

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