It’s the season of giving and that goes both ways! As such, it’s time for the second Humble Indie Bundle to appear from the dark depths of the internet and into the light of our giving hearts. The system from this bundle of games is similar to the first time around: You pay an amount of your choice and donate that to charity, the developers themselves or the Electronic Frontier Foundation and then boom! You get a load of games, for as much or as little as you want.

NoobFeed Humble Indie Bundle 2 Games
There's really no excuse to pass this up: None!


Amongst the titles is the well-known indie hit Braid and Machinarium, but you’ll also be able to play Cortex Command and Revenge of the Titans. The site states: “Please note, Cortex Command and Revenge of the Titans are still under active development. You are eligible for all future updates!” In this humble reporter’s mind, that is a pretty great thing to do for gamers. In addition, all titles are promised to be DRM-free, so anyone with severe prvacy issues, such as yours truly, can rest easily. Big brother is not monitoring you through the painting, return to your business.

By the time I clicked on the site and reloaded 5 minutes later, over 5000 extra purchases were made, so it’s safe to say this is selling like crack hot cakes. They also have some statistics on the most generous of souls and so far, Linux people are the most humble people; who knew?


Although it is possible for you all to give whatever you want; I urge to give at least 5 or so dollars, as the bundle would cost you a whopping 85 dollars, in corporate greed times. But since this is the season of giving, they’re letting it slide on you, so please, return that favor.

15/12 Update: Robert Bowling from Call Of Duty, Infinity Ward (@fourzerotwo on Twitter) impressed a lot of people by donating $500 for the $85 package deal. But it is Minecraft  creator, Markus Persson (@notch on Twitter) that certified his love for the indie genre, by donating $2000 back from his massive indie earnings into the community. This is how it's done people; humble thanks by sharing the wealth.

David Rosen of Wolfire Games explains why you should own this bundle.

20/12 Update: You see that 'DRM-Free' pitch up there? Well, for you people who just can't resist that, the Humble Indie Bundle is now also available on Steam. With it, you'll get access to achievements and you'll be able to add them to your Steam Library, so boast away. Sales are still going through the roof with the 160K purchases nearing as we type this up and over 1 million dollars in revenue. With days still left on the clock, it's safe to say that this bundle will exceed the winnings of the previous one. With $7.40 standing as the current average purchase, Windows owners are still the Scrooges of the bunch and Linux the savers of the universe. The bundle is equally redeemable through the recently launched Desura.

In a fun fact, Minecraft Creator @notch has been surpassed by the mysterious "grflwitz", who generously donated the 'random' amount of $3,141.59. I haven't found out who this benefactor is, but I did see what he did there! In addition, David Rosen of Wolfire Games made an explanatory video to help promote the purchase of the games. You can check this video here above and see if you'd like to contribute...if you haven't already.

Daav Valentaten, NoobFeed.

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  • Definitely getting in on this. That's a ridiculous deal, and even better that it can go to charity.

    Posted Dec 14, 2010

  • On a more personal note: I'm looking for an equal humble soul who is going to pay for a bundle. As i don't use Paypal and such, I can't access it and I'd really like to get one :(. So anyone who's thinking about buying, I would like to half the price you had in mind and then get 1 for yourself and one for me. I'll send over my details for this arrangement. My utmost thanks.

    Posted Dec 14, 2010

  • i hate those. i just wish they'd give me a set price, i hate having to choose the price myself :P

    Posted Dec 15, 2010

  • @Daavpuke


    I'll do that for you! =D

    Posted Dec 15, 2010

  • @Daavpuke - Thanks for showing us this :D.

    Posted Dec 15, 2010

  • @deliduck: Thank you, but I should have a kind soul already. Except if you can do it right away of course; it's all good to me.

    @WillX47: You're welcome, this is TOO good to pass up.


    You can all thank me, by putting my name on the donation list:; I'd like that :D.

    Posted Dec 15, 2010

  • Apparently this thing already brought in $400K in 17 hours

    Posted Dec 15, 2010

  • Great deal with perfect timing.

    Posted Dec 15, 2010

  • 500K income and 70K purchases as of now.

    Posted Dec 15, 2010

  • Just got it, downloading Osmos first :D

    Posted Dec 16, 2010

  • Updated the lot and also played Osmos today. What a soothing fun game @BrunoBRS; you might want to look this one up as a fan of flOw and such games.

    Posted Dec 20, 2010

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