Screw Metacritic scores! I love people who form their opinion, regardless of popular belief, hypes, reviews or even logic.

Kirby’s Epic Yarn is currently boasting an 89 Metacritic score, with perfect 100 displays from esteemed sited, like GiantBomb and The Escapist. But that isn’t going to stop Entertainment Weekly, who has noted Kirby’s Epic Yarn to be the worst game of 2010. Second place was given out to Metroid: Other M for its apparently awful controls.


You know, yours truly goes against the grain too now and again, so I can’t judge a decision made on a solid opinion. So, here’s a ‘random’ list of games that came out in 2010:


·         Naughty Bear

·         Prison Break: The Conspiracy

·         Fighters Uncaged

·         N3 II: Ninety-Nine Nights

·         Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days

·         Elemental: War Of Magic

·         Final Fantasy XIV


What? It’s completely random; no possible innuendo here. Being that Kirby got written off for being ‘too cute’, I do wonder what the main criteria were though. Obviously, blood was one of them and yarn just doesn’t bleed, nor does many another Wii game. Perhaps Nintendo should save some of that red from Mario’s overalls for some other games (no need to mention MadWorld folks).

Noobfeed - Kirby's Epic Yarn Worst Game 2010
He looks like a wool testicle anyway.


I suppose it is a matter of perspective and Epic Yarn isn’t a game that could appeal to any crowd. If you like Halo: Reach, female breasts, sweaty men piling on top of each other, smoking and liquor, then playing with yarn might seem a bit effeminate, true. But objectively…really?

Hands up if you think Kirby’s Epic Yarn was epic barf.

Daav Valentaten, NoobFeed.

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  • *throws up 3 hands*

    Posted Dec 18, 2010

  • Wow. I must fail as a gamer then. 'Cause uh, I like Epic Yarn. Thanks, Entertainment Weekly, for making me realize that.


    Heh, in all seriousness I'm somewhat curious to why Epic Yarn was the worst game besides being 'too cute.'

    Posted Dec 18, 2010

  • epic fail on entertainment weekly's part :P

    Posted Dec 18, 2010

  • it's not like i read them, but now i have an extra reason to keep my distance.

    Posted Dec 19, 2010

  • I havent played epic yarn but i have played a curby game and i found it interesting

    Posted Dec 19, 2010

  • Havn't played the game, but all the same...I stand behind Kirby.

    Posted Dec 19, 2010

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